The Membership Upgrade process allows qualification, knowledge, skills, experience, industry liaison and activities that you have undertaken, to be formally recognised against the Grading criteria. Graded Membership acknowledges the fact that your skills or competence may have been gained without necessarily completing a training program or course and may have been learned through work or automotive industry experience. Grading recognises IAME members that have excelled or continue to make a significant contribution to the Automotive industry.
Having Graded Membership of the IAME is regarded as one of the highest industry achievements set for Automotive practitioners within our vital industry and is benchmarked at Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and you must hold the required hours of Learning, Training and Assessments with Trade Experience. This would include having completed an Apprenticeship or hold a current Licence or Qualification.
An IAME Examiner will assess your application for upgrade based upon the Qualifications and Documents supplied.
Grade | Post Nominal | AQF Level |
Associate | AIAME | 2 |
Associate Member | AMIAME | 3 |
Member | MIAME | 4 |
Master Member | MMIAME | 5 |
Associates would be required to have the equivalent of up to 600 hours of learning, training and assessments with trade experience including their apprenticeship and hold any relevant licences. Typical positions of Associate Members would be: Tradesperson’s Assistants, Automotive Trainees & Apprentices with significant experience, and Automotive Support Staff.
Knowledge Requirements:
Associates at this level will have basic factual, technical and procedural knowledge of a defined area of work and learning.
Skills Requirements:
Associates at this level will have basic cognitive, technical and communication skills to apply appropriate methods, tools, materials and readily available information to:
Associates at this level will have, and be able to apply knowledge and skills for work in a defined context and/or further learning. They should be able to demonstrate autonomy and limited judgement in structured and stable contexts and within narrow parameters.
Full Members would be required to have the equivalent of up to 1200 hours of learning, training and assessments with trade experience including their apprenticeship and hold any relevant licences.
Full Members would typically be in positions of limited authority and/or responsibility or operate within specialised areas. Typical positions of Full Members would be: Service Advisors, Business Operators, Team Leaders, Workshop Foreman and Technical Specialists.
Knowledge Requirements:
Full Members at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and limited responsibility in known or changing contexts and within established parameters.
Skills Requirements:
Full Members at this level will have a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply a range of methods, tools, materials and information to:
Full Members at this level will have and be able to apply theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for specialised and/or skilled work and/or further learning. They should be able to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and limited responsibility in known or changing contexts and within established parameters.
Associate Members would be required to have the equivalent of up to 900 hours of learning, training and assessments with trade experience including their apprenticeship and hold any relevant licences.
Associate Members would typically be in positions of autonomy and/or have limited responsibility or operate within generic or limited speciality areas. Typical positions of Associate Members would be: Automotive Tradespersons, Automotive Technicians, Panel and Paint Practitioners, Light and Heavy Vehicle Mechanics, Automotive Electricians and Automotive Administration Operators.
Knowledge Requirements:
Associate Members at this level will have factual, technical, procedural and some theoretical knowledge of a specific area of work and learning.
Skills Requirements:
Associate Members at this level will have a range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply a specialised range of methods, tools, materials and information to:
Associate Members at this level will have and be able to apply theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for work and/or further learning. They should be able to demonstrate autonomy and judgement and to take limited responsibility in known and stable contexts within established parameters.
Master Members would be required to have the equivalent of up to 1500 hours of learning, training and assessments with trade experience including their apprenticeship and hold any relevant licences.
Master Members would typically be in positions of authority and/or responsibility or highly specialised areas. Typical positions of Master Members would be: Service Managers, Business Owners and Highly Skilled Technical Specialists.
Knowledge Requirements:
Master Members at this level will have technical and theoretical knowledge in a specific area or a broad field of work and learning.
Skills Requirements:
Master Members at this level will have a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply methods and technologies to:
Master Members at this level will apply specialist knowledge and skills for skilled/paraprofessional work and/or further learning. They should be able to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and defined responsibility in known or changing contexts and within broad but established parameters.